What is CRVO

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

What is CRVO  ?

CRVO is a condition of the eye where in there is blockage of blood flow in the nerves leading to bleeding and swelling. It is very similar to Myocardial Infarction of the heart and hence know as Heart attack of the eye.

What are the symptoms of CRVO?

Generally CRVO patients have painless loss of vision. Vision may be mildly impaired or it can be severely lost. The eyes don’t have and redness or pain. It usually affects only one eye but both eyes can be affected in few cases.

What happens to the nerves in CRVO ?

The blood supply to the nerve gets blocked leading to haemorrhage and swelling in the retina. There are chances of increase eye pressure and bleeding

What are the risk factors and causes for development of CRVO ?

As stated before there is a blockage in the veins of the retina. The common causes leading to these are blood pressure or hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Increased Cholesterol levels in the blood or dyslipidemia, Heart disease, conditions where there could be chances of clotting, Women taking Oral contraceptive pills (OC pills), etc

How is CRVO diagnosed ?

CRVO is a retinal disease, hence the Retina Specialist doctor checks the retina by doing a Fundus examination or Ophthalmoscopy. After checking vision, eye pressure and dilated eye examination special tests may be advised like OCT, Fundus Photograph, Fundus Angiography. OCT or Ct scan of the eye is done to check swelling in the retina known as Macular Edema. Fundus Photo & Fluorescein Angiography are done to see the blood supply of the retina and risk of further bleeding. Other than eye tests your VR surgeon may advice you to meet your general physician and advice tests to check blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and clotting factors.

How is CRVO treated ?

Central Retinal Vein occlusion commonly causes macular edema and retinal haemorrhage and these are the commonest causes affecting vision.

Macular Edema is treated by giving Anti VEGF or steroid injections in the eye. There are many types of injections available in the market like Avastin, Razumab, Accentrix, Eylea, Pagenex, Vabysmo and Ozurdex. All these injections are given in the retina or the eye. Generally injection effect lasts for a month and after that OCT is repeated to check the status of retinal swelling or macular edema.

To control bleeding in the retina laser PRP may be advised as well. PRP green laser treatment is done 2- 4 sittings and is a painless procedure.

Does every case of CRVO needs treatment ?

Not all cases of CRVO need treatment. Only cases with macular edema, retinal haemorrhage or bleeding need treatment. Other cases only need regular check up and dilated fundus examination

Does vision improve after injection in the eye ? How many Anti VEGF injections are needed to treat ?

Vision improvement is seen in most of the cases of CRVO. Factors affecting vision improvement are degree of vision loss, amount of edema, duration of symptoms and control of blood sugar and other conditions.

On an average a patient may need 2- 3 injections in the eye. Some patients notice vision improvement even with a single injection in the eye.

What are the complications of CRVO

CRVO can lead to blindness, Vitreous Haemorrhage, Glaucoma. All these complications can be prevented by doing a fundoscopy

Where can I take treatment for CRVO ?

CRVO needs treatment by a Retina Specialist. In Mumbai Dr. Anuj Soni deals with Retina issues at Soni Eye Care Centre, Mulund West. Yo can fix an appointment with him by calling 7715945144.

If you are away from Mumbai or not in India then you can check our VR surgeon near your area or consult Dr. Asmita Soni for online consultation